How much does a profile cost? - 100$ for now
How long do I get to keep the profile? - As long as you want. Future members will pay yearly fee. Asn early member you'll keep it with no yearly. This is a limited offer.
When should I get one? - Now before price rices and rules change!
Other sites take a minimum of $400 yearly fee. - Yes, we don't.
How long time does it take to get a profile out and running? - We do it manually for you and customize it according to the styles we offer that you choose. Usually you get it within 24 hours.
How much does it cost to make changes and update the profile? - 30$ to add new images, change info or colors. Not change design.
Will the profile include my social media? - Yes, we add all your social media, links to your website and even embed your facebook site in your profile.
How many images can I include in my profile? - 1 to 20
How many pages can my profile have? - It's a profile, like your unique online business card in form of an online page. So one.
Can I choose a unique color even if the "style" I choose has another color? - Yes
If I participated in the interview with WAO - can it also be linked in my profile? - Yes, of course.
Can I freely share my profile anywhere? - Yes, of course!
How do we pay? - Through Paypal
Contact us here (chat window) / through facebook / instagram
The chat window gathers your mail, that way you can get a message with the chat history and we can contact you if we weren't present at the moment you started the chat conversation.
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